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Sound file enhancements for Train Simulator


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    Krellnut wagon sounds for Saluda

    By Jorge Alsina (jalsina)


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    U25 Pack Horn Mod

    by Benton Ferron ( SevenXNinja)

    This is a Horn I created for DTM Burlington Northern U25 that released recently. This is new content.

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    Sound patch for SS EMD 16N-710G3C - SOUND ENHANCEMENT PACK

    by Kris (kris120)

    This package contains a sound patch for the "EMD 16N-710G3C - SOUND ENHANCEMENT PACK" from SearchlightSimulations.

    - Non-Iso locos get a fully customized sound proxy. Dropouts should be a thing of the past.
    - Alerter audible inside and outside the loco (all locos)
    - Audio from AI locs is only audible in the immediate vicinity if at all. - Optional lights - see "Optional_Lights_Stevens Pass.jpg" for comparison. (v1.1)

    This package may be combined with my package "Patches for EMD SD70ACe Repaints in SD70Pack02" published in parallel.

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    Smokebox UP FEF-3 Dynamo Sound Mod

    by (SmeagolTheRailroader)

    This is a sound mod for the Smokebox FEF-3 Dynamo (steam turbine).


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    by Buzz Baxter (buzz456)

    This mod makes the RS3 from DieselWorkshop more loud and smokey.

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    Krellnut wagon Sounds for Tehachapi

    by Buzz Baxter (buzz456)

    Krellnut Wagon Sounds for all the cars in the Tehachapi Route DLC from DTG.

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    DTM Sound MOD

    by (Drizz)

    These mods will improve horn/bells for the Alco FA, DL-109 & UP's GTELs

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    Smokebox UP Big Boy Dynamo Sound Mod

    by (SmeagolTheRailroader)

    This is a sound mod for the Smokebox Big Boy Dynamo.

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    Krellnut wagon sounds for AZ Divide wagons

    by Buzz Baxter (buzz456)

    This remplaces the sounds of the wagons included in the DLC with Krellnut's wagon sounds.

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    Krellnut wagon sounds for Clinchfield

    by Walter (Krellnut) Jaeschke, packaged by Buzz Baxter (buzz456)

    This pack installs Krellnut's wagon sounds for the Clinchfield route wagons.

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    CSX Hanover Sub Sound Upgrade

    by Hunterwj12

    Sound enhancements for the CSX Hanover route.


    -MLWAudio K5LA horn and bell for SD40-2 and SD40-3
    -GE 7FDL16 Enhancement with K5L horn and bell applied to Dash 8
    -Krellnut's U.S. Freight Car Sounds applied to freight cars

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    Bombardier/Alstom Comet/Shoreliner Coach Sound Pack RELEASE v1.0

    Bombardier/Alstom Comet/Shoreliner Coach Sound Pack RELEASE v1.0 by no names (CentralJerseyRailfan/OpenRailer90)

    CometCoach_SoundEnhancementPack.7z - 52 MB

    Highly authentic recordings from actual Bombardier/Alstom Comet/Shoreliner coaches

    UPDATED: The first file was incorrect. This fixes a path problem.

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    MLW Audio for HiLine

    MLW Audio for HiLine by no name (Kris120)

    MLW_Audio_for_HiLine_+_extras.zip - 20.5 MB

    Soundpatches for the Locomotives and Wagons of the HiLine by VNHRR and other patches

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    NS5285 LeslieRS3L SS

    NS5285 LeslieRS3L SS by CentralJerseyRailfan/OpenRailer90

    NS5285_LeslieRS3L_SS.7z - 4.2 MB

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    JR NS SD40-2 P5 Horn

    JR NS SD40-2 P5 Horn by (bjones8400)

    JR NS SD40-2 P5 Horn.zip - 55 MB

    THis is a custom made Nathan P5 for the Jointed Rail NS SD40-2

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    NS SD70IAC 1214 K5LLA

    NS SD70IAC 1214 K5LLA by bjones8400 (Brandon Jones)

    NS SD70IAC 1214 K5LLA.zip - 31 MB

    This horn is recorded from NS SD70IAC (SD70ACe) #1214.

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    1072K5LLA by no name (railfancenter)

    1072K5LLA.rar - 1.5 MB

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    DTG Union Pacific GP40-2 Horn Update v1.0

    DTG Union Pacific GP40-2 Horn Update v1.0 by CentralJerseyRailfan/OpenRailer90

    DTG_UPGP40-2_HornUpdate.7z - 887 kb

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    Mech Crossing Bell Pack

    Mech Crossing Bell Pack by Benton Ferron (SevenXNinja)

    Mech Crossing Bell Pack.zip - 697 kb

    A pack of 3 Mech Crossing Bells for crossing use

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    Dual Wabco E2 - 3

    Dual Wabco E2 by Daniel Gibbs (dmgibbs1997)

    DualWabcoE2.zip - 667 kb 

    A Dual Wabco E2 for any early diesel locomotive such as the F-Units or Sharknoses

Please accept license agreement before downloading

Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.


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"IMPORTANT NOTICE. Everything on this site is user generated content designed for use with RailSimulator.com Limited’s train simulation products, including RailWorks 4: Train Simulator 2013, Train Simulator 2014 and Train Simulator 2015. RailSimulator.com Limited does not approve or endorse this user generated content and does not accept any liability or responsibility regarding it.

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