Repaints and addons for the RW&A Lakeside route
by Buzz Baxter (buzz456)
This is a repaint of the FT from Hi Iron Simulations.
by Buzz Baxter (buzz456)
This is a repaint of the DTM F3 in the RWA livery.
by Wayne Campbell
After the 2024-05-22 update of TS Classic, the RWA Lakeside route won't load.
The problem is caused by a faulty script. This fix contains an updated script.
by Harry R. Adkins (harryadkins)
This is a RWA reskin of the Double Sheathed USRA Boxcar included with the freeware Pennsylvania Steam route.
RWA Lakeside Audio Fixes by Rick Grout (ricksan)
RW+A Audio - 37 kb
This package contains revised audio files to address the so-called "Instance Group bug" which is thought to cause random failures to play sounds
RW&A Lakeside Abandoned Track by Rick Grout (ricksan) - 2.7 MB
This package contains the necessary files to properly implement procedural switches in the "abandoned" track type, as exemplified by the Johnsson Gravel spur
RWA RF-16 by Buzz Baxter (Buzz456)
RWA - 66 MB
DTM Baldwin Shark in our own RWA livery
RWA High Hood GP20 by Samuel Rockwell (ET44C4)
RWA_GP20_HH.rar - 36 MB
Two Riverside Waterton and Atlantic repaints for the payware Reppo WP GP20
Riverside Waterton and Atlantic ALCo HH600 by Samuel Rockwell (ET44C4)
RWA_HH600.rar - 12.7 MB
Two Riverside Waterton and Atlantic schemes for the freeware G-TraX ALCo HH600
RWA_40ft_PS1 by Harry R. Adkins (harryadkins)
RWA_40ft_PS1.7z - 1.6 MB
This model is a Riverside, Waterton and Atlantic Railroad reskin of Michael Stephan's freeware 40ft PS1 Boxcar
RWA, A Few Years Later by Matt Blackburn (CArailroader)
RWA, A Few Years - 25 MB
My expansion of the RWA Lakeside route
RWA HW Coaches by Matt Blackburn (CArailroader)
RWA repaints of the Britkit Heavyweight Passenger Car set
RWA 2-10-2 Standard Tender by Matt Blackburn (CArailroader)
RWA 2-10-2 Standard - 7 MB
RWA repaints of the Berkshire Tender. Included is a passenger and freight variation
RW&A Consolidation Pack - update by David A. Hardy (wopflyer)
RWA_Consolidation_Pack-Update.7z - 175 MB
This is an updated version of the RW&A Consolidation Pack, originally uploaded by Mikeg1250 in 2014
RWA E8 by Matt Blackburn (CArailroader)
RWA - 82 MB
RWA reapints of the E8. There are three A's and one B
RWA 2-10-2 by Matt Blackburn (CArailroader)
RWA - 35.4 MB
RWA repaint of the BLE 2-10-2. Included are freight and passenger versions
RWA 0-6-0 Pack by Matt Blackburn (CArailroader)
RWA 0-6-0 - 28 MB
Included in the pack is: An engine, slopeback and standard tenders for the Riverside Waterton & Atlantic Railroad
RWA GP20 Pack
RWA_GP20.rar - 26.4 MB
Two RWA GP20 repaints for the Reppo SP GP20Two RWA GP20 repaints for the Reppo SP GP20
RW&A GP40 and GP30 slug unit by Buzz Baxter (Buzz456) courtesy of Virtual Rail Creations - VRC
RWA - 348.4 MB
RW&A livery of the VRC GP40 and GP30 slug
Taconic Railroad Company ALCo-GE RS-1 #401 by Joshua Harkness (joshuaharkness) - 10 MB
A repaint of the excellent donationware ALCo-GE RS-1 into Taconic Railroad Company #401
Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.
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