by Buzz Baxter (buzz456)
This is a repaint of Michael Stephen's freeware SD7 - SD9 into Winchester Western Railroad colors.
Thanks to the genererosity of Michael Stephen of Golden Age of Railroading this is a stand alone offering using the assets provided from his web site and applied to this model.
The Winchester Western Railroad only owns one EMD SD9 which I have attempted to re-create here. Michael tolld me this was a early model he did however at this time it's the only one I could find that features the no dynamic brake version and one I could affix a bell on the front end and I think it will serve us well on my upcoming W-W route until a newer offering appears.
IMPORTANT: You must have the CBQ1 version downloaded and installed for this to show up properly.
Just run the installer and this should show up as the W-W SD7 after you check off the GreatNorthener SD7-9.
Buzz456 at RWA
Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.
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