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AlCo PA - PB SP Daylight

Saturday, 20 May 2023

by GTrax's Rick Grout (ricksan)

This is a repaint of GTrax's Alco PA-1 and PB-1 from the Boston & Albany DLC package, into Southern Pacific's iconic daylight livery.



ALCo's PA-1 and PA-2 were diesel locomotives built by the American Locomotive Company in a partnership with General Electric in Schenectady, New York during the years 1947 to 1953. These A1A-A1A locomotives were powered by ALCo's model 244 16-cylinder engine. The earlier PA-1 had a 2,000 hp (1,500 kW) engine and the PA-2 was slightly more powerful at 2,250 hp (1680 kW). The PA series was designed to be used in passenger service, whereas the companion FA model was a freight hauler.

SP purchased 12 PA-1s and 27 PA-2s, along with 6 PB-1s and 7 PB-2s, during the years 1948 to 1953. Although they were all delivered in the Daylight color scheme, although a few of them appeared in orange and black ("Halloween") and gray and scarlet ("bloody nose") schemes. Notable features modeled here include the snowplow, the rooftop icicle breakers, train-number boards, and Mars light. The PAs frequently saw service in SP's flagship passenger trains. All had been retired by 1967.

Requires the Boston & Albany DLC package for Train Simulator Classic, available from Steam at:

To install, first unzip the download, which contains a single RWP file. Install the RWP using the Package Manager feature of the program Utilites.exe which resides in you RailWorks folder. Done! There is no need to copy any other files from your B&A folders and none of your existing B&A files will be overwritten.

One PreLoad consisting of an A-B-A light locomotive arrangement is provided for Quick Drive service. Or you can always make your own scenarios; in fact you are encouraged to do so! The A and B units appear in the scenario editor as "G-TraX ALCo PA SP (Daylight)" and "G-TraX ALCo PB SP (Daylight)."


Train Numbers. SP displayed the train number in the nose-mounted illuminated number boards. To enable this display, double-click on the locomotive in the scenario editor and open the upper-right flyout menu. The Rail Vehicle Number appears in the format zzzz6024 where 6024 is the locomotive's road number. The letter z places a blank (opaque) number in the number board, and the letter x places an X in the number board. Look up the SP train number on the Internet and edit the Rail Vehicle Number to read somthing like z98z6024, or x1036024, or as appropriate.

Train Horn: Most PAs were delivered to the railroads with a pair of Leslie A200 horns, one facing forward and one facing rearward. However, SP's PAs were equipped with 5-chime horns which sound very different. If desired, replace the horn audio files, which are contained in the folder Audio\RailVehicles\Diesel\ALCo PA\Horn_SP, with the corresponding files from your choice of several 5-chime horns available in  the RWA file library.


Note from ricksan to librarian: the download archive contains two geo files, both of which I own and which I authorize to be included in the package. This is necessary because in addition to this being a repaint package, certain physical details of the locomotive have been added or reworked.

Please accept license agreement before downloading

Please remember even those this file is free, the author still has rights to the file. Be sure to read the readme that is enclosed for further copyright information and instructions to install the file.


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